TRANSUMED GmbH Medizintechnik
Gerichtsstr. 1
56068 Koblenz
Phone: +49 (0)261/13 30 98-0
Fax: +49 (0)261/13 30 98-12
E-Mail: info(at)
Authorised CEO: Irina Alexandrov
Registry court: Amtsgericht Koblenz
Registry number: 5 HRB 6918
Sales Taxes Identification Number according § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 197 448 722
Data privacy statement
We are glad to welcome you on our websites and thank you for your interest in our company, our products and our websites. As the protection of your privat sphere during the visit on our websites is very important for us, please notice the following:
Anonymous data ascertainment
You can generally visit TRANSUMED GmbH Medizintechniks’ websites without identifying yourself. We do only receive information about your internet service provider, the website from which you visit us and the websites you visit within the scope of our internet presence. These information are analysed for statistical purposes. You, as particular user, stay anonymous.
Ascertainment and analysis of individual-related data
Individual-related data will only be ascended if you reveal them on your own, for instance by registering for personalised services. All Individual-related data are treated and saved confidentally.
Export and analysis of data outside the European Economic Area.
There will be no export of data to countries outside the EEA.
Usage and disclosure of individual-related data
Data which was ascended within the scope of our internet presence are solely used for the processing of contracts and requests. Data which is important for business purposes may be passed to associated companies, delivery services or banks.
External links
For optimised information our internet presence contains links referring to third party websites. Whenever it is not obvious we will make you aware it is an external link. TRANSUMED GmbH Medizintechnik does not have any influence on content and design of third party websites. The guarentees of this data privacy statement of course do not apply there.